Red Nose Day 2022

Friday 18 March marked the annual Red Nose Day for Comic Relief. Nationally, the charity - who support people to break free from poverty, violence, and discrimination - raised over £42 million. Schools across our Trust contributed to this tremendous total through a range of wonderful and wacky fundraising activities.
Cottingham really made a splash with their fundraising over lunchtime with their “Soak the Teacher” event. They also sweetened the day with a Bake Sale in the Key Stage 3 and 4 areas.
Pupils at Croxby wore their own clothes and brought a white t-shirt so that they could also incorporate celebrations for the colourful Hindu holiday of Holi.
Hessle held a ‘Wear Something Red' campaign which raised £99 on their Just Giving page and much, much more in cash donations on the day!
Holderness highlighted the issues surrounding Child Exploitation & encouraged everyone to think, spot & speak out against abuse.
Howden held a Bake Sale, “Soak the Teacher” featuring Mr. Cannon and Mr. Harris, a Crossbar Challenge and a “Beat the Teacher” Penalty Shoot-out”. Throughout the day they raised a whopping £1459.75!
Keyingham held a Yellow and Blue non-uniform day to honour the current situation in the Ukraine. They also discussed with each year group why it is important to be kind and respectful to others.
Winifred Holtby sold Red Noses to tutor groups in order to fundraise for good causes.
Wolfreton held a non-uniform day for Comic Relief. Students were invited to wear items of clothing in their house colour.
Thank you to everyone who gave their money and time to help others!