Wolfreton A level success

Students at Wolfreton are celebrating another year of great results. Headteacher Susanne Kukuc said ‘Once again we are delighted to be celebrating some excellent A Level results at Wolfreton. It has been a pleasure to share the excitement of successes with students this morning; we are very proud of their achievements which come as the result of dedication and hard work from students, staff and the support of their families. As a Sixth Form at Wolfreton, we are delighted that 25% of grades achieved were at A* - A (or equivalent) and 76% at A* - C or (equivalent). In the traditional A Level subjects, 21% of grades were A* - A, with many subjects achieving very high A* - B pass rates including Physics, Politics, Maths and Business, as well as Japanese with 75% A* - B and Further Maths and Spanish achieving 100% A* - B. Today is however about our young people and seeing them able to move on now to their chosen pathways. High numbers have again applied to university and the vast majority of these have secured places at their first choice institution securing places at universities including Oxford and Warwick, with Newcastle, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield and Hull being particularly popular choices this year. Others have secured coveted apprenticeships or employment and again we congratulate them.’
Lynsey Taylor, Assistant Headteacher in charge of Sixth Form, said ‘It was a very proud moment seeing the faces of our Year 13 students when they collected their exam results today, celebrating with them as they move on successfully to their chosen next step. At the end of what is a very demanding two year period of studying, they leave us with not just their academic qualifications but also a diverse range of additional enrichment activities and experiences which has provided them with skills for life. Our staff are all delighted to be able to congratulate our students on their hard work and perseverance to get them the results which they have been rewarded with today. We very much look forward to hearing about our students’ continued success as they move onto their chosen pathway. Sharing all of these successes with our future Sixth Form students will undoubtedly inspire them to strive to reach similarly high academic achievements.’
Among those with big smiles on their faces is Harryson Skelly, 18. He will be taking up a place at Oxford to study Chemistry having achieved an A* in Chemistry, A grades in Biology, Maths and Physics and a B in Further Maths. He said ‘I had an inkling that it had gone ok but I am really happy with my results. Everyone at Wolfreton has been really good to me and my family are so proud; I’m looking forward to the future now.’
Jessica Fields, 18, will be studying Law at Newcastle, having achieved 4 A*s in English Literature, History, Spanish and the Extended Project Qualification. She said ‘I am very shocked but so happy that my hard work has paid off. I’ll be sad to leave Wolfreton after so long. All my teachers have been so supportive but I can’t wait to start at Newcastle now.’
Jack Beckett, 18, achieved A*s in Law, English and the Extended Project Qualification and an A in Politics and will now go to study Law at Leeds. He said ‘I really wasn’t that confident but it has turned out alright. I’ve been 100% sure since Year 12 that I wanted to study Law at university. Now I need to tell my mum!
Emily Coates, 18, will be going to London to study Medicine at UCL having achieved an A* in Biology and her Extended Project Qualification, as well as A grades in Chemistry and Physics. She said ‘I’m very excited to be going to my first choice university. I didn’t know if I’d get in but I got what I was hoping for. I just have to sort out my accommodation now!’